A Personal Ledger of Thoughts & Ideas

A Personal Ledger of Thoughts & Ideas
Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

This is my space to think out loud.

I write to capture my thoughts, declutter my mind, and where I can also look back to see how my thinking evolves over time.

Here, I explore:

Philosophy. How to live with purpose and clarity.

Economics & Wealth. Thinking in decades, not days.

Happiness & Meaning. What really matters in the long run.

No agenda. No filters. Just my thoughts, written down so I don’t lose them.

This is for me. my own company of ideas but if you find value in it, you’re welcome to read along.

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This blog is a personal project and is not affiliated with my financial advisory practice. The views expressed are my own and do not constitute financial, tax, or investment advice.